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Since our membership consists of people from all walks of life and backgrounds, and our belief that you become a member to learn sound money principles from the ground up, it is suggested that you go through the educational content in order.

This educational content, like building the metaphorical financial pyramid needs to be built from the ground up. When you have a solid understanding of the foundational material, it greatly facilitates the understanding and implementation of the intermediate and advanced material.

For those members whose time is extremely limited, whenever possible, we will try to ‘get to the point’ at the beginning of each educational module. However, please realize that the education presented in these modules is already HIGHLY compressed, and as uses an unorthodox approach to wealth accumulation you will likely benefit from taking the time to get through the details. When dealing with many of these financial concepts, especially if they are new to you, the details matter greatly.

FOUNDATION - Money and Taxes

The tree spends as much time growing roots below ground as it does the trunk and branches above ground.

Everything taught on is rooted in a discussion of money and taxes. When you have a strong understanding of what money is and how taxes affect your money, you can learn how to keep more money in your pocket and grow what you have faster.

 Start your Foundation learning.

TIER 1 - The Stuff We Should Have Learned and Acquired a Long Time Ago

We teach from a perspective of sound money principle and tax minimization. Here is the first secret to growing your wealth.

Ready to build Tier 1

TIER 2 - Getting On the Right Side of Taxation

By default the government has no incentive to educate you on how to reduce your tax burden, because they need your tax dollars to operate.

However, would it surprise you to learn that as much as 90% of the internal revenue code are rules on how to utilize the tax code to benefit you?

Ready for Tier 2.

TIER 3 - When You Don't Know What To Do

OK, you went to school to do something that you hopefully love. But now you are saving and making an income and you have no idea where to invest it.

You’re talking to your financial advisor, whom you don’t really know and you have no idea what they are talking about. Sound familiar? is here to help in Tier 3.

TIER 4 - Leveraged and Derivative Investments

This is the stuff of lunch break legend. You’ve got an itch to do more with your money and have it work much harder for you.

Welcome to Tier 4! Here we teach you techniques and strategies to make a little bit of money go a long way and fast. This is the get rich quick side of

Of course, we are going to teach you in a safe method by building on what you’ve learned from the bottom of the pyramid and taking a sound understanding of money and taxes into account.

Power up your investing in Tier 4.